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SUI AD 589-618

The Chinese Empire was reunited after eight years of civil war under Yan Chien, the founder of the Sui dynasty in AD589. Yan Chien proved to be a highly capable emperor. He was humble and honesty, thereby his reign became associated with the "Man Jin" period of the early Han. His reign allowed prosperity, which would be reflected in the beauty of its arts. His son proved to be corrupt, inefficient, and self-indulgent. The Sui dynasty only lasted three decades before being eclipsed by the Tang dynasty.

Thus the Sui dynasty should be seen as a transition between the Southern and Northern Dynasties and the Tang dynasty. The popularity of the acanthus leaf motif in the Sui period meant that the original lotus pattern was gradually superseded by patterns of geometrically arranged acanthus leaves.

Moreover, the majority of ceramic wares popular during the Tang, with the exceptional of three-color ware and decorate ware, emerged in the Sui period. Thus it makes it difficult to distinguish Sui and Tang ceramics. Still certain characteristics are unique to Sui ceramics.

Sui dynasty flasks always have molded decoration while the flat dishes normally have a carved decoration. Also, applied application was less evident in the Sui period. While Central Asian influences were evident in both Sui and Tang dynasties, grape flowers and Central Asian dancers and musicians mostly occur on Sui pieces. Certain subtle stylistic changes can be seen between Sui and Tang ceramics. Sui ceramics tends to consist of gray or red painted ware, while Tang included red and white painted ware, as well as three-color wares. Tang figures appear livelier, with articulated joints to provide movement.

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