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QING AD 1644-1912

Weak and self-indulgent emperors, official corruption, bureaucratic factionalism and abuse of power characterized the late Ming Dynasty. Together with the neglect of public works by the court and natural disaster, this gave rise to rebellion. Whereas in the northeastern area of Liandong, a tribal confederation known as the Manchus joined the Ming troops under Wu Sangui to expel the rebels. The Manchus then dedlared that they have saved China and founded the Qing dynasty in 1644 A.D.

The later decline of the Qing dynasty centuries involved internal and external problems. Domestically, population increased dramatically created a high pressure and lots of social problem. During the 19th century, various incidents made people saw that changes were need to save China, the opium war (1839-42) led to a series of unequal treaties, the presence of Empress Cixi (1835-1908) who manipulated the succession law & the Sino-Japanese war (1894-95). Dr. Sun Zhongshan (1866-1925) was among the western-educated individuals who believed China's salvation could only be found in revolution. In 1911-1912, the republican revolutionaries under Sun Zhongshan overthrow imperial power.

Weak and self-indulgent emperors, official corruption, bureaucratic factionalism and abuse of power characterized the late Ming Dynasty. Together with the neglect of public works by the court and natural disaster, this gave rise to rebellion. Whereas in the northeastern area of Liandong, a tribal confederation known as the Manchus joined the Ming troops under Wu Sangui to expel the rebels. The Manchus then dedlared that they have saved China and founded the Qing dynasty in 1644 A.D.The later decline of the Qing dynasty centuries involved internal and external problems. Domestically, population increased dramatically created a high pressure and lots of social problem. During the 19th century, various incidents made people saw that changes were need to save China, the opium war (1839-42) led to a series of unequal treaties, the presence of Empress Cixi (1835-1908) who manipulated the succession law & the Sino-Japanese war (1894-95). Dr. Sun Zhongshan (1866-1925) was among the western-educated individuals who believed China's salvation could only be found in revolution. In 1911-1912, the republican revolutionaries under Sun Zhongshan overthrow imperial power.

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